England 1963 to 1982

photos taken in the United Kingdom unless otherwise stated

Photographs sorted alphabetically by suffix

B = 1964. LW = London

B = 1964. CK = Preston

B = 1964. MP = Middlesex

B = 1964. RX = Berkshire. Photo taken in Denmark

C = 1965. HJ = London

C = 1965. NN = Nottinghamshire

D = 1966. UD = Oxfordshire

E = January to July 1967. NN = Nottinghamshire

E = January to July 1967. NN = Nottinghamshire

F = August 1967 to July 1968. TM = Bedfordshire

G = August 1968 to July 1969. PE = Guildford

H = August 1969 to July 1970. JF = Leicester

H = August 1969 to July 1970. JF = Leicester

H = August 1969 to July 1970. MU = London

H = August 1969 to July 1970. CH = Derby

L = August 1972 to July 1973. OB = Birmingham

L = August 1972 to July 1973. WH = Bolton

M = August 1973 to July 1974. UT = Leicester
M = August 1973 to July 1974. VL = Lincoln

M = August 1973 to July 1974. TF = Lancashire

M = August 1973 to July 1974. TF = Lancashire

Personalised. P = August 1975 to July 1976. RN = Preston
The age of the vehicle proves this registration is personalised
Illegally spaced to read "TRN1P". The space should be between the N and the 1 to read "TRN 1P"

R = August 1976 to July 1977. PW = Norwich

R = August 1976 to July 1977. PW = Norwich

R = August 1976 to July 1977. TE = Bolton

R = August 1976 to July 1977. AJ = Middlesbrough

T = August 1978 to July 1979. AD = Gloucester

V = August 1979 to July 1980. LT = North West London

W = August 1980 to July 1981. LX = London

W = August 1980 to July 1981. OW = Portsmouth

Y = August 1982 to July 1983. EX = Norwich